Tips for your event

Tourguide events
Landgasthof Seelust is not obliged to invite tour guides or bus chauffeurs for services rendered.
Forgotten objects
Will be kept free of charge for a maximum of 4 weeks (without liability) Unclaimed items will be disposed of after this time.
Renting rooms
Banquets The price calculation includes the room rent
Conferences: the room rental is included in the daily rate
Weekday sessions/meetings: Je nach Aufwand für die Einrichtung und gewünschte Infrastruktur kann eine Raummiete von CHF 80.- bis CHF 250.- in Rechnung gestellt werden.
Beverages: Available at our sale prices.
If you cancel your order at least 3 weeks before the event, we will not charge any cancellation fees.
Menu suggestions
For buffets we recommend a minimum number of 15 people.
Seasonal products
Surprise menu
You want to be surprised? Tell us your budget and our creative cooking team will compose a successful menu for you!
Tap money
In our wine cellar there is a wide selection of European wines for you to choose from. Nevertheless, you are welcome to bring your own wine. The "tapping fee" of CHF 32.- per bottle includes cooling, suitable glasses including cleaning, services and disposal of empties.
Table decoration and name cards
Gerne stellen wir Namenskärtli und Blumendekoration auf den Tisch. Dafür rechnen wir mit ca. 30 Minuten Arbeitszeit. Ist Ihre Dekoration aufwändig und benötigt zusätzliche Zeit, berechnen wir pro Stunde CHF 65.–
Chair covers
Cremefarbene Stuhlhussen verrechnen wir mit CHF 12.-/Stück, weisse Stuhlhussen mit CHF 14.-/Stück. In diesen Preisen eingerechnet sind Montage, Demontage, Reinigung und Bügeln.
For additional services such as tying ribbons, weaving in flowers, etc., we charge CHF 2 per seat.
Damage to property
Burn holes, felt-tip pen, ballpoint pen and colored pen marks as well as chewing gum stuck to tablecloths or chair covers cannot be removed. Unfortunately, we have to charge you for damaged fabrics.
Supporting program
Sky lanterns (Kong Ming lantern)
The flying of sky lanterns in Wiedehorn is only allowed with the permission of the FOCA (Federal Office of Civil Aviation) and the municipality.
Feste werden in der Seelust fast täglich gefeiert. Damit verbunden sind gewisse Lärmemissionen. Aus Rücksicht auf unsere Hausgäste und Nachbarn schliessen wir die Fenster unserer Säle um etwa 23 Uhr.
Musikalische Veranstaltungen inklusive Verlängerungen dauern in der Regel längstens bis 1 Uhr. Selbstverständlich schätzen es die Hausgäste und Nachbarn, wenn der Abschied ruhig von sich geht.
For safety reasons, Bengal fireworks are not allowed in the Seelust rooms. We ask you to respect this and to fire any fireworks outside. However, with a permit from the municipality of Neukirch Egnach.
For your children there is a playroom in the house. The playground is about 50 meters away.